How tough are police with DUI stops?
Tennessee DUI laws are strictly enforced. If you are stopped for suspicion of DUI/DWI you will be given no consideration for who you are of who you may know. From state legislators to police to celebrities, no one is immune to prosecution and the harsh penalties for being convicted ofDriving Under the Influence.
The news is full of stories about DUI arrests of people from all segments of society including those who are charged with enforcing our laws.
Officer Gregory Blackburn
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - A Metro police officer has been charged with a DUI in Marion County the same week two other Metro police officers were arrested and charged with DUI in Nashville.
A Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper stopped Metro Officer Gregory Blackburn for speeding last December in Marion County in southeast Tennessee, and he was charged with DUI.
Metro police spokesperson Don Aaron said Blackburn was decommissioned following his arrest and is currently working in another area of the police department awaiting the outcome of his DUI trial. Blackburn, an officer at the department's Hermitage precinct, graduated from Metro's police academy in March 2008.
As I always say... The best practice is... Don't drink and drive!
But, if you find yourself charged with a DUI in Nashville… you should have the best Nashville DUI lawyer you can find.
You should contact David G. Ridings, Nashville DUI Attorney.
Get the representation you deserve, from someone with experience you can't get from a book!
Contact Ridings Law Group, P.C. today for a free consultation.
David G. Ridings, Nashville Criminal Attorney
David G. Ridings, Nashville Criminal Attorney
Office: 615-851-1888