If you missed Crime Time Central this week, here is what you missed.
Sunday August 26, 2012 we had in studio Doak Patton, Local Attorney and Tennessee President of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). We discussed the legalization of Marijuana in Tennessee Medicinally and across the board. We had several callers that agreed with Doak on the legalization of the drug… and several that sided with me against the legalization of Marijuana.
Those who were for it… believe that it should be regulated and that the income could help the deficit, and there would be benefit to those who are sick and in need of that drug.
Those against it believe it is a gateway (or stair-step) drug that leads to harder drug use.
We also had Joe Butler, friend and local businessman who lost his son to a car accident involving marijuana and alcohol use.
Powerful Show.
So, what do you think? Legalize… or Not!
Tune in EVERY Sunday from NOON to 2PM on SUPER TALK 99.7 WTN for Crime Time Central hosted by me, Attorney David Ridings.
As the host of this show, I bring over 25 years of experience on every side of the law. I began my career in law enforcement in the 1980's. First as an Intern for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation working on the Governors Task Force on Marijuana Eradication. I later interned with the Tennessee Board of Parole. Then I was hired as a police officer in Murfreesboro City, in Rutherford County. I left there and went to Metro Police Department where I stayed almost a decade until 1998. In my last year of law school, I got licensed early to practice under the supervision of the Davidson County District Attorney's Office. Following that, I opened my own firm in Nashville in October of 1998 and now practice exclusively Criminal Law in Nashville Davidson County. I handle, both, Adult and Juvenile Criminal Courts. And, I plan to take my experience full circle in a candidacy for Davidson County General Sessions Judgeship in 2014.
Join us each Sunday for Crime Time Central… where Justice and Morality Collide on the air! Right here on Super Talk, 99.7 WTN.
If you need a Nashville Criminal Defense Attorney, call Attorney David Ridings for experience you can't get from a book!
If you need a Nashville Criminal Defense Attorney, call Attorney David Ridings for experience you can't get from a book!